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Report damage

Extraordinary risks

Please fill in each section of the form below. The more information you provide, the sooner and better we can help you

Please add as much documents as possible in order to optimise the processing of your claim! Please ask your providers for quotations, invoices, technical reports, etc. in Spanish, as the insurance companies’ technical experts speak Spanish!

Personal details

GrupoXandravk S.L., tratará sus datos personales para dar respuesta a las solicitudes planteadas a cerca de los seguros. En este formulario no es necesario darnos datos de salud, rogamos se abstengan de ello. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de sus datos, de limitación y oposición a su tratamiento, así como a no ser objeto de decisiones basadas únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos, cuando procedan, en la dirección de correo electrónico Le recomendamos que lea la política de privacidad antes de proporcionarnos sus datos personales.

Am I also insured against natural disasters? What is a disaster area declaration?


Civil emergency areas, also known as disaster areas, are government-designated areas in which certain types of aid for victims are activated. This can include economic, tax, and/or social assistance.


When an area is declared a disaster area by the government, government assistance is activated for the victims in that area. This assistance runs in parallel and is separate from private insurance and the CCS. Individuals must inform themselves about this assistance through the public websites of the Ministry of the Interior or the autonomous regions...


Am I also insured against natural disasters? Am I covered against extraordinary risks?


Zurich automatically channels a portion of the premium to the CCS (Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros). This ensures that your home/car in Spain is also insured against extraordinary events.


Extraordinary risks are risks that statistically occur rarely and whose magnitude and/or nature and consequences exceed those of a normal risk. We are seeing these events occur more frequently and intensively.


Risks completely managed and covered by the CCS (Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros):

  • Damage caused by water, including floods and other natural phenomena like earthquakes (determined by the State Meteorological Agency (AEMET) and the National Geographic Institute).
  • Damage caused by violence resulting from terrorism, rebellion, riots, and civil unrest, or actions of the armed forces and police in peacetime.


Risks managed by the insurance company but covered by the CCS consortium:

  • Wind damage and Atypical Cyclonic Storm, including wind speeds exceeding 120 km/h.


How do I file a claim with the Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros?


If you have suffered damage due to natural phenomena (floods, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, etc.), incidents related to terrorism, insurrection or rebellion, or even actions or interventions by the armed forces or security forces in peacetime, you must directly contact the "Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros" (CCS):

All damage from floods/seawaves is processed directly through the CCS. Insurance companies do not handle or follow up on these claims.

Keep in mind that the settlement of claims through the CCS generally takes longer than through your insurer.


For questions and follow-up, contact the "Consorcio de Compensación de Seguros" directly via:


What do I need to do on the CCS website?


Through, select English in the top right corner. Then, you can navigate to 'victim/insured person' and from there to 'extraordinary risk insurance'.

On that page, you'll find instructions on how to file and track a claim with the Consorcio.

Once you've filed a claim, an expert from the Consorcio will contact you to assess the damage. Be reachable!


Make sure you have the following information available for the Consortium's expert:

  • A photocopy of the proof of payment of your insurance during the period of the damage
  • A photocopy of the private conditions of your policy. You received these when you took out the policy or with the last modification, sent via email. Experts usually accept the policy in English without a problem.
  • General coverage conditions.
  • A photocopy of your NIE/identity card/passport (all sides).
  • Your bank account number: a document issued by the bank or a copy of the contract with the bank, indicating the account holder.
  • The cadastral reference number of the property. You can find this on the I.B.I. (Impuesto de Bienes Inmuebles = property tax). Provide a copy of it.
  • The name, phone number, and email address of the contact person who will let the expert in.
  • Quotes, old payment receipts, new purchase receipts, photos, police report, an overview of the damage, etc.


Remember that an invoice you want to claim from the consortium must always include the following information:

  • NIF/CIF of the issuer and the beneficiary.
  • Invoice number and issuance date. Total amount, taxable base, and type of applied tax.
  • The format of the invoice must not be editable (Word, Excel, etc. documents are not suitable).
  • If it is a repair in a home, the address must exactly match the address of the risk in the policy, and it must state the street name, house number, postal code, and municipality.