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Legal Exp Companies

Legal Expenses for Companies and the Self-employed
If in your company, you as the owner or your insured employees have problems relating to the company business, ARAG defends you in criminal liability issues.

We defend you in your public liability, if you have no insurance or where this does not cover business operations, the sale of products and your role as a business owner.

If one of your employees is injured while at work, due to the fault or negligence of another person, we claim for any injuries suffered. If an object belonging to your company is damaged due to the fault or negligence of another person, we also claim for any damage.
We defend the rights of the premises of your business activity.

Nous défendons les droits relatifs au local où vous exercez votre activité commerciale.
We defend your company in disputes with your employees and in cases brought by the Labour Inspectorate.
We defend your rights if your company has problems in administrative matters.
If you are self-employed, we defend you in the event of labour disputes and guarantee your rights in terms of social benefits.
We offer a Legal Helpline if your company needs guidance on its rights and obligations.

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