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(+34) 965 637 134

Health Insurance Selección

With DKV Selección you will receive the best healthcare in your area or through the officially approved hospitals in Alicante, Cádiz, Granada, Guadalajara, Las Palmas, León, Málaga, Madrid, Malaga, Murcia, Palma de Mallorca, Sevilla y Zaragoza

Why DKV Selección?

  • No minimum age for contracting.
  • Primary care, specialists and medical surgical services with the latest technology.
  • Permanent ambulance service.
  • Health care in Spain and abroad.

From the effective date of the policy:

  • General medicine, paediatrics and S.T.A. Specialities: allergology, digestive apparatus, cardiology, general surgery, geriatrics, gynaecology, pneumology, neurology, odontostomatology, ophthalmology, otorhinolaryngology, psychiatry, rheumatology, obstetrics, orthopaedic surgery, urology…
  • ​Methods of diagnosis: clinical analysis, pathological anatomy, cytology, colopscopy, densitometry, ultrasound, echocardiography, electroencephalogram, electromyograms, ergometry, radiography and mammography.
  • ​Medical hospitalisation and intensive care unit in case of emergency (max. 72 hours).
  • ​Surgical emergency and intensive care unit (no limits).
  • Emergencies abroad and international.- Ambulances (for transfer to the Hospitals appointed).

Six months after contracting the policy:

Hospitalisation for surgery (no limits). -Medical hospitalisation and intensive care unit (no limits). - Methods of diagnosis and treatment: arteriography, liver and marrow biopsy, bronchoscopy, bronchography, catheterism, endoscopy, oxygenotherapy, rehabilitation (except chronic diseases), scans, nuclear magnetic resonance, etc. Highly specialised surgery: angiology, inner ear surgery, heart surgery, maxillofacial surgery, plastic surgery, lung surgery and neurosurgery. 





Up to 49 years

33,00 €

368,39 €

From 50 to 64 years

63,00 €

703,29 €

From 64 to 75 years

93,00 €

1.038,19 €

Aged over75 years

115,00 €

1283,798 €

Copayment per medical act: 3 € (including tax)

Cuadro Medico Seleccion

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Policy holder
Insured party 1
Insured party 2
Insured party 3
Insured party 4
Insured party 5
Insured party 6
General questions for the interested party

Current status

Current insurance

Purpose future insurance

Coverage required

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Would you like to know how much you could save by changing your insurance to GrupoXandra? Please fill in the inquiry form and submit it. Any questions? Call us on the 965 637 134, we are here to help you!

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