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(+34) 965 637 134

Car insurance

The finest combination for your car insurance is Zurich Motor Pack. It’s an insurance policy which you can customise by choosing the level of covers and services that best meet your needs.

Expand your coverage by taking out the packs you need!

Discounts up to 55% for a good driving record. Both hail and snow are covered when you take out the damage cover. 24 hour assistance from the first kilometre you drive. If you run out of petrol, we will bring you some. We insure your car for the first 2 years at new value or more.

If you have a puncture, we come and help you change the wheel, day or night. You can choose your garage. We appeal against your fines and defective repairs on your behalf. If you lose all the points on your licence, we pay up 500€ for the course to get them back.

Flexibility and adaptability to your needs, thanks to your choice of PACKS.

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Policy holder
Usual driver
Vehicle data
Information on current insurance and desired coverage
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GrupoXandravk S.L., tratará sus datos personales para dar respuesta a las solicitudes planteadas a cerca de los seguros. En este formulario no es necesario darnos datos de salud, rogamos se abstengan de ello. Puede ejercer sus derechos de acceso, rectificación, supresión y portabilidad de sus datos, de limitación y oposición a su tratamiento, así como a no ser objeto de decisiones basadas únicamente en el tratamiento automatizado de sus datos, cuando procedan, en la dirección de correo electrónico Le recomendamos que lea la política de privacidad antes de proporcionarnos sus datos personales.

Would you like to know how much you could save by changing your insurance to GrupoXandra? Please fill in the inquiry form and submit it. Any questions? Call us on the 965 637 134, we are here to help you!

Please complete all the mandatory fields marked with an * to get the BEST price! We recommend you to have following documents handy:

- Driving Licence
- Technical information of the car
- Actual policy (policy number) and the proof of payment of the policy


1 - May I insure my car with a foreign license plate with a Spanish Company?
In Spain it is forbidden by the law to insure foreign registration marks, in spite of the European Regulations. Keep in mind that if you find a company which offers this all the same, it is mostly a company not established in Spain which falls outside the scope of the Spanish law. This causes problems as well in case of damage and claim settlement tions with car accidents.

2 - Watch out for telephone and internet insurances which offer extremely low premiums!
Mostly they restrict legal limits to the minimum without informing the customer. A couple of actual cases, whereby the insured person was not well informed. All risk insurances where assistance was excluded. Driver insurances whereby the capital in case of deceasing or permanent invalidity was lowered to 3.000€, and medical assistance was limited to 3.000€. After a car accident with bodily harm you mostly pay much more. Legal aid insurance within a policy up to 1.000€. These examples are normal with cheap companies, which present a distorted image to their customers with all the financial and emotional consequences involved.

3 - Keep in mind that in a cheap insurance company in Spain, you obtain a cheap product with minimal guarantees and minimal service.
Dont forget that the service you get may be very important in problematic cases, most evidently when you live in Spain, where e local service in your own language might be very important financially. Please be realistic when you have ceded to the cost price alone. It may seem all right today, but dont wait for the happening of the unexpected to state that you are not covered for what you had in mind. With GrupoXandra you will have a qualitative Zurich Car insurance, which you acquire by means of our VIP packages at a very favourable price.