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(+34) 965 637 134

Life Insurance

Zurich Guaranteed Mortgages

Unexpected events make it important that you cover yourself to be able to bear the cost of your patrimony.

Zurich Liveinsurance Complet

Zurich Vida Complet, this life Insurance permits you to protect your family like you wish it yourself, with which you give them the guarantee that they may continue their style of life they enjoy know for the future.

Zurich lifeinsurance Complet Express

This lifeinsurance guarantees the payment of the capital agred to in case of the passing away or invalidity (permanent/absolute) of the insured person, in a simple way. Without medical controls, you have only to answer one question about your health (for capitals between 30.000€ or 90.000€).

Without complications.

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Would you like to know how much you could save by changing your insurance to GrupoXandra? Please fill in the inquiry form and submit it. Any questions? Call us on the 965 637 134, we are here to help you!

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